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10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Lita

1. Live Sex Celebration With Edge

This is a kind of things the place it might be something that WWE doesn’t want us to omit, but it surely’s also a second that is certainly not going to be duplicated given that the PG atmosphere 

10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Lita

2. She Got Beat Up By Men Often Including Austin & Triple H

Lita wasn’t afraid to combine it up with the boys. It’s some of the things plenty of people admired, notably the female lovers that regarded up to her because she wasn’t afraid to place her physique on the line.

10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Lita

3. She Was Supposed To Win Women’s Title At WrestleMania 21

Lita’s rivalry with Trish Stratus was once the nice of her career. On the December 6, 2004 edition of uncooked, Lita beat Trish (the heel within the feud) for the ladies’s Title in the predominant occasion of raw. 

10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Lita

4. That Lost Baby Saga Leading To Snitsky Punting A Baby Doll

There was once more to the crazy angle that Lita had with Matt Hardy, Kane and even a newcomer named Gene Snitsky. It’s difficult to take into account all the bizarre things worried in that storyline considering of the way it began, the way it developed and even how it ended.

10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Lita

5. Kane May Have Raped Her…In Storyline

The story between Kane and Lita in 2004 was once one of the most awkward things in wrestling history. Kane was once unmasked by that factor, so in some methods he obtained extra optimistic with the women and he grew to become a man that used to be infatuated with Lita.

10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Lita

6. The Mickie James Story With Trish Stratus Was Originally Designed For Lita

It was one of the vital satisfactory and most famous ladies’s storylines ever as Mickie James began in WWE in late 2005 as an obsessed fan of Trish Stratus that eventually went loopy and grew to become on her leading to an epic showdown at WrestleMania 22 in 2006 that Mickie gained.

10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Lita

7. She Was Fired By Eric Bischoff Because She Refused To Pose Nude (Really Had A Neck Injury)

Lita had a couple of fundamental accidents throughout her WWE profession. The neck damage she suffered was essentially the most significant one and the distinctive thing about it was that it didn’t even occur in a